Club Tournament Announced

We are holding our club Tournament on the following dates and age groups: 

 Saturday 22nd June – Under 7’s / Under 8’s (5 aside) 

Sunday 23rd June – Under 9’s / Under 10’s (7 aside) 

Saturday 29th June – Morning:  Under 9 Girls (5 aside) / Under 11 Girls (6 aside)  

                                  Afternoon: Under 13's (5 aside) / Under 14's (5 aside) 

Sunday 30th June – Under 11’s / Under 12’s (6 aside) 


£30 a team. Every team that enters is set to have a great tournament experience for all their players. Teams will get a minimum of 5 x 12 minute games. 


Teams can register here or using the attached files



News // 315 weeks ago