Southam United to become SSE Wildcats Centre for Girls Football in 2019
We are delighted to announce that we will become an approved SSE Wildcats Centre commencing this April, providing football opportunities for 5-11 year-old girls accross South Warwickshire.
The initiative offers organised sessions in a fun and engaging environment created exclusively for girls.
Southam United's Wildcats Girls’ Football sessions will be taking place on a weekly basis, either after school or at weekends, and provide a safe environment where girls can try football for the first time.
Further details on days and times of sessions will be announced in the coming weeks.
The initiative aims to inspire girls to engage with football, meet new friends, develop fundamental skills, learn new things and create the foundation for a lifelong love of football.
Southam United's Wildcats Centre will be run in conjunction with the Birmingham County FA, utilising qualified coaches with sessions initally based at our current Banbury Road Junior pitches before moving to our brand new home at Bobby Hancocks Park.
SSE Wildcats has been established in partnership with SSE, supporters of girls’ football participation and sponsor of the SSE Women’s FA Cup, with support from UEFA, FIFA and the Youth Sport Trust.
The initiaive continues the developement of girls football at the club under the management of Club Developement Officer Sophie Bourton, with the help of Shannon Turner, which has seen the launch of our U11 Girls team who now play regular matches in addition to our new U9 Girls who have started playing league games since the turn of the year.
We will be relaesing further details of the sessions commencining in April, in the meantime should you require further information please contact Sophie Bourton at sophie.bourton@southamunited.com
News // 311 weeks ago