Incredible public generosity raises funds for repairs

Thank you so much for your generous donations to our fundraising appeal to restore facilities and replace equipment wrecked in a break-in at Southam United FC Junior Clubhouse.

We're delighted to announce that we raised an amazing £7553.23. We are completely overwhelmed by the support and generosity shown towards the club following this difficult time, the community spirit was just amazing. There are too many people to individually list but a huge thank you goes out to every single person & business that donated or supported the club in any way throughout this campaign!

Initially the ‘Clean up’ was carried out on the fields & junior pitches, the turnout from the Southam Community was unbelievable – Thank you! Also, a big thank you to Ian Scott Services Ltd who supported the club by coming down with their tractor & mulcher to get all the pitches mowed following the cleanup. Once the pitches had been mowed a final detailed comb through was carried out to make sure there was nothing missed / hiding under the long grass.

It was then time for professionals to get the entire junior clubhouse emptied, cleaned, and sanitised. Warwick Cleaners performed specialised deep cleaning & disinfection services providing us with the reassurance it was once again safe to enter. The building was then resecured with the help of two local tradesmen Russell Collins & Kody Neal with the use of DHB Groups materials to secure the club house until permanent repairs could be carried out.

A big thank you to an unnamed local business & Terry Grey from T.M & J.M Grey Builders for each supplying the club a skip, also a big thank you to Matt Hyde from Xact skips who increased the size of skips FOC.

Overview of the jobs the ‘Community Fund’ has seen completed recently;

  • MCI Electrical Installations who kindly performed a health check on the electrics, carried out various repairs & installed security lighting.
  • Parent & Volunteer, Steve Williams, has been installing new goals on the 11v11 pitch which will look fantastic ready for the 2018/19 season.
  • Mark Jones Carpet and Flooring Services kindly came out and measured up to replace all of the carpet which was unable to be cleaned following the break in. Mark will be coming back to fit the carpets during August.
  • A replacement front door is currently being made up by Warwick Buildings (More details to follow).
  • A replacement rear door is currently being made up by DYWIDAG-Systems International Ltd (More details to follow).
  • Quotes have been obtained to replace the large window which was smashed at the front of the clubhouse with new safety glass.
  • We are out for quotes for local decorators to re-paint & re-fresh the inside of the clubhouse.
  • New/Replacement equipment have been identified and is now on order; 4 sets of Samba match goals, corner flags, spectator ropes and much more!
  • BPS have been supporting the club with materials at trade cost, special thanks goes out to Micheal Duckett for arranging this.
  • Parent & Volunteer, Steve Williams, has been installing new goals on the 11v11 pitch which will look fantastic ready for the 2018/19 season.
  • Mark Jones Carpet and Flooring Services who installed replacement carpets in the clubhouse labour free.
  • Warwick Buildings for manufacturing new doors for the front of the clubhouse.
  • DYWIDAG-Systems International Ltd for manufacturing a steel door for the rear of the clubhouse.
  • Southam Windows for installing the large window which was smashed at the front of the clubhouse with new safety glass.
  • 24/7 Decorators to re-painting inside & out of the clubhouse.
  • Mark Harrod Ltd who have donated 4 sets of goals inc 2 sets of their high-quality aluminum goals following our Junior Clubhouse break-in. Thanks to Peter for delivering the goals, Respect barrier’s & corner flags to ensure we’re ready to start the season.
  • BPS Southam for supporting the club with materials at trade cost, special thanks goes out to Micheal Duckett for arranging this.
  • PAA Services for carrying out plumbing repairs in the boy’s toilets.
  • Thomas Fox Landscaping & Maintenance for improving the visibility within the gateway entrance.
  • Tailormade for supplying new signage for the road, entrance and car parking.
  • MKM Building Supplies for supplying the latest skip.

A big thank you to local plumber, Matt Cowley, for giving up his Saturday morning to replace all of the basin taps, kitchen taps, installing a  new outside tap at the junior club house at Southam United FC following the recent damage caused during the break in. Like others that have helped from the southam community, Matt has no current connections with the club, but played as a lad for the club so wanted to help support the children by offering his services for free! Top man with a big heart.  We will look forward to keeping you updated on each of the above developments and any further developments which may arise.

One of the biggest positives to come out of the ‘community donations’ is the purchase of a Defibrillator. The junior players will now benefit from having a fully Automatic AED with Intelligence CPR Device installed in their newly refurbished clubhouse in the event of an emergency.


Finally a huge thank-you to Adam Sweeney, Sophie Bourton and Lee Constable who have given up a lot of time recently to co-ordinate the above works.

News // 334 weeks ago