Mike Davis takes over the reins as CEO of Southam United 2019 Ltd
The following statement from Mike Davis appeared on the Southam United FC Supporters page on 24th November 2021
Good Evening,
I hope you are all well and having a good week so far.
I'm not sure any of you would have heard of or met me as of yet as I've been predominantly behind the scenes working on the business side of the club and digging us out of a few issues.
I have worked alongside Richard for the past two years in a continued bid to strength the football club as a whole at Southam United. We have made great strides and imagine we will continue to do so.
I will now be CEO of the football club with effect immediately.
I wanted to announce this personally to all of the supporters out of respect for you all as the fans and the support you all bring are undoubtedly an integral part of our football club.
I'd love to see the gate at the club continue to grow and you all to continue to help further build this club up to its true potential.
I run a completely open door policy, which is for the staff at the club, players as well as the fans so if anyone would like to chat about anything don't hesitate to get in touch. You can reach me via email on here, at some of the games or on the Fans Forum which we are looking at setting up to address and answer any and all questions you may have.
I look forward to meeting you all officially.
Kindest Regard
Michael Davis
News // 151 weeks ago